Monday, July 25, 2005

temporary layoff..easy credit ripoffs....hangin in a chowline

i hate all small living creatures, such as cats, small children, and any stupid adult who takes such hellishcreatures along with them on a 13 hour journey in a small enclosed space at 13 thousand feet...

my cab driver was a nice guy, who talks to animals and listens to his dog...the guy did come up with a great plan for combating nature, dissipating tornadoes and hurricanes before they become huge enough to do damage, as he said, they are living things....he may be a bit sadistic and going about it the wrong way, i wouldn't want to kill an air elemental, lest they come back and kick my ass personally, but he had the right idea....must be the sun, bakes everyone's brain, makes em a bit nuts, but it makes for interesting conversations and an overall good group of people at the bar....

at last...i seem to be not the most insane wierd guy around...

having lived in foreign (to me, not to the people living there) countries, now that i have returned to the land of milk and honey and supersize chocolate bars and 80 oz. buckets of soda with free re-fills and cars cars cars, i can see why people hate us....i wish all americans would live in another country for one year, hell, make it six months, really live there, so when they return home, they can see how loud, arrogant, rude and solipsistic we have become. people are freindly and nice, i get a nod and a hello as i walk down the street, but for the most part, on the outside, people appear to be all those pejoritive terms previously mentioned above....even if they aren't that way truly, that is how they are initially.....what happened to my country? or has my skin lost a few layers?

still, i am happy to be here...i like the sky, it's fucking huge...i can walk down the street in the sun and watch a lightingn and rain storm off in the entertainment for free...better than the neon swarm i had to fight through....

neon kills the spirits you know...

television is awesome...i have like 76 channels or so, of crap i hardly care about....but i get to watch gary busey lose weight along with the snapple lady and that dude from warrant (once, in hawaii, i met the dude from warrant at a strip joint and he invited me along to some bar and we played pool and i got to hang out with the dude from warrant...i don't even like warrant....and all those chicks were hot, but i managed to not get's a talent...)...i also get to see all the commercials for feminine hygene...aparently, these ladies don't have time for period pain....oh, and kids love thier new cool diapers that tell them when they peed in thier pants...are the kids that dumb that they don't notice?... i have to write a whole thing on tv, let me keep watching it...i cant turn away....

the best part is the jet leaves me in a mind numbed doped up state, all naturally....without having to worry about being arrested by "the man"... damn the man....too tired to write coherently, but not too tired to spank without further ado, time to give myself a low five and get some sleep....

a few months and i will be ready to go....

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