Sunday, October 23, 2005

movie review: DOOM

i saw DOOM the night it came out. it wasn't all that crowded, but then again, i live in a small town now. after paying $6.25 to be allowed to see the film and $7.00 for a bottle of Nestea Iced Tea which had a shitty sweet bitter taste that i suppose passses for the flavor of "brisk" and a bag of popcorn that closely resembled styrofoam packing peanuts, i took my seat in the theatre. alone. solo.

i have no problem going to the movies alone, it makes a bit of sense as you aren't supposed to talk during a movie and you watch tv alone so what's the big deal, but there seems to be some stigma attatched to movie watching and dining out alone in the states. i was cured of that in japan, where everything is done alone. anyway, other than being the "wierd creepy guy at the movies alone" and thinking about how americans, for all our "look how independant and solo i am" try to do things in groups, where other cultures based on groupthink, like the borg that is japan or any other tribal/cliqueish society, often cherish the solitude. i guess everyone is looking for some kind of balance.

oh, the i smelled what the rock is cooking, and it smelled ok, but he has cooked better things i think. i really like the rock, he is intelligent, has a great sense of humor and timing, and, i'm not gay, but you gotta admit, he is quite pleasing to the eyeballs. well, he is SARGE, leader of a small quick reaction team of marines who have to go to mars to contain some kind of problem. the the problem gets out of hand, etc etc etc.

the movie moved slow, perhaps in an effort to build suspense and interject plot, but it really wasn't a "thrill a minute non-stop cavalcade of action packed excitement." the pacing could be a bit better. the plot was simple and the character development was not too much but you learned enough about each character so they weren't just a hollow meatsack walking around.

the sets and costumes were pretty damn cool, and although they were going for a dark feel, it wasn't like some movies that were just so dark you can hardly see anything. the music was almost non existent, but when it was there, it was pretty damn good. i think there were only two "songs" in the whole movie. i will look for the soundtrack, but they are gonna put a bunch of music that wasn't in the movie on the soundtrack, or they are gonna have a sountrack that is a single with one B side.

all that said, there was a bit of a twist (at least to me it was a twist. you might be, and probably are, quicker on the uptake than i am, but i went into it with a certain expectation so when that wasn't the case, i had a small pleasant surprise. but then again, i got it half way through the movie, i might be making something out of nothing). also, there is a five minute sequence where it goes from third person view to first person shooter, in an homage (i wanted to use the word homage, "h" is silent for maximum pretentious fuckishness) to the original game. this not only kicked major ass, but it wasn't dragged out, and was done just enough to make it a perfect touch to the movie. good job boys!

overall, i liked it and enjoyed it. maybe you have to be a big fan of DOOM, (which i am) to really really enjoy the movie, i dont' know, but as a fan, they did a passable job (i am a huge fan of "firefly" the cancelled tv show, and i LOVED the movie serenity, which had a bit more action and excitement than DOOM did honestly). it didn't suck. it reminded me a lot of the resident evil movie. actually, now that i think about it, it did have the same kind of pacing as the game, so, yeah, it was a pretty damn good movie. it did leave a possibility for a second movie, and if a second movie comes out, hell yeah i'm gonna see it, cause, well, it's DOOM for chrissake.

now they need to make a movie out of Duke Nukem and Twisted Metal. THEY would fucking rock.

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