Thursday, September 06, 2012

my butt is happy

it's 8:44 pm, thursday, i feel good.

didn't do shit today really, watched a bunch of Breaking Bad on Netflix, i figure since everyone else is doing it, i should too.  it's ok, not awesome, not bad.  i wish there was more meth cooking and selling, less relationship drama.

sort of makes me wish i was good at chemistry.  if i was, would i cook meth?  what are the ethics of it?

meth is a poison, it's bad.  if i am not forcing anyone to take it, but i am providing it to people who want it, is that wrong?  there is the argument of "they don't know what they are doing, they can't help themselves,"  however i think they can help themselves.  they can go to rehab, they can get help.  what if i never ever went out and sold it?  what if junkies knew i had it, and they had to come to me?  what if i only sold it to people who sought me out?  why am i wrong?  again, it's poison, it's hurting them, however, you could make the argument that mcdonalds is hurting people and is poison, same as cigarettes, or alcohol.

if someone wants to hurt themselves, or be destructive, who am i to stop them?  why am i punished?  why the fuck are they punished?  people who commit crimes against others should be punished, but if somehow, there is a drug addict who somehow works and can afford to buy his drugs without stealing or mugging, and goes home and gets fucked up, why is that illegal?  am i my brothers keeper?  no, i don't think i am.  if someone comes to me and asks for help, then perhaps i should help them, but if someone comes to me and asks me to help them hurt themselves, if that is their desire, why is it wrong for me to help them? a new saddle for the road bike.  it feels great now, my ass is happy.  it's good to have a happy ass.  went for a quick short ride, about 37 kms.  it was a bit windy, but overall beautiful.  i took pics, they came out ok, but as expected, nowhere near capturing the actual beauty of it all.  when i was done, my ass and crotch didn't hurt.  i love my new saddle.

sadly, other than that, nothing really happened today.  think i shall go to sleep.

another day without drinking alcohol or eating lots of crap (there was ice cream, but not tooooo much).

time to sleep.

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